Market Data Group LLC, Logo

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Accurate Market Research for Decision Making with Confidence

Over the years IT market research and solutions firms have engaged Market Data Group for reaching customers and market segments where we have established relationships. On several occasions, our teams have supplemented the firm's own market research and analysis resources during peak times. Our clients also engage us on an as-needed basis for specialized projects where they cannot justify full-time resources.


MDG has a core competency in delivering high quality—context-based— market research services for the information and communications technology industries. We use the following techniques that are best suited for delivering actionable results to our clients:
Qualitative and Quantitative Research - Focus Groups - Online and Social Media - Conjoint, Discrete Choice Analysis, Best Worst Scaling and MaxDiff research methods.

Business Man

Our Respondents

Depending upon our client’s business objectives, we engage the appropriate CIO, CSO, CTO, Departmental VP, IT Directors, IT Architects or other custom respondents as necessary.

A Focus On IT

MDG conducts market research  in all aspects of IT in emerging and established markets across vertical industries. Some include:

• Hardware • Software • Solutions
• Cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) • Disaggregated & Composable Infrastructure • Global Services Delivery Networks
• Hyper Converged Systems • Containers • DevOps
• Cyber Security, SIEM • Mobility • Internet of Things
• Social Networks • Remote Infrastructure Management • Services
• Enterprise Applications (ERP, CRM, etc.) • Systems, Storage • Cognitive Computing